Capacity building for the healthcare 3.0 workforce

The ever-changing technology landscape will greatly impact the healthcare workforce (Mamaghani 2006). Emerging technologies, hugely influenced by artificial intelligence are bound to redefine roles and responsibilities amongst healthcare workers, whilst increasing productivity and ensuring effective personalized healthcare. This new age of healthcare, unlike others, will be patient-centric, with a need for a skilled and highly specialized workforce. With the ongoing global shortage of healthcare workers and increasing demand for healthcare services, there will be an extension of roles for allied healthcare staff.

In this track, we shall discuss:

  • How to build digital literacy for healthcare workers
  • How technology is impacting the workforce
  • The role of soft skills for the workforce in the future of healthcare
  • Educational, curricula, training, and development recommendations for healthcare workers to support a digitally enabled health system
  • Organisational design and management practices
    1. Agile workforce
    2. Leadership
    3. Open and inclusive innovation culture