Academy Scholars:
The Ugandan Academy for Health Innovation and impact rolled out 3 scholarship programmes in October 2015 which are Sponsored by Janssen as part of its commitment to global public health and Johnson & Johnson Corporate Citizenship Trust.A call for applications for post-doctoral, PhD and Masters Grants was circulated prior which attracted a number of submissions. As part of the Academy Training Programme targeting individuals with a focus on issues related to delivery of HIV and TB programmes, a Post-doctoral Scholar was recruited. The program mainly attracted Candidates who are interested in focusing on mHealth initiatives, TB, HIV adherence, PMTCT, or key populations are especially encouraged.A candidate was also selected for the PhD program that is set to last for three years. During the first intake, the programme will focus on issues related to delivery of HIV and TB programmes. The position is full-time and fully funded program, which commenced in October 2015.
At the same time, a Masters scholarship was awarded which mainly considered MMed students for their final 2 years of programme. On top of that, funding and mentorship support for a maximum of two years was part of the package.
The Ugandan Academy for Health Innovation and impact rolled out 3 scholarship programmes in October 2015 which are Sponsored by Janssen as part of its commitment to global public health and Johnson & Johnson Corporate Citizenship Trust.A call for applications for post-doctoral, PhD and Masters Grants was circulated prior which attracted a number of submissions. As part of the Academy Training Programme targeting individuals with a focus on issues related to delivery of HIV and TB programmes, a Post-doctoral Scholar was recruited. The program mainly attracted Candidates who are interested in focusing on mHealth initiatives, TB, HIV adherence, PMTCT, or key populations are especially encouraged.A candidate was also selected for the PhD program that is set to last for three years. During the first intake, the programme will focus on issues related to delivery of HIV and TB programmes. The position is full-time and fully funded program, which commenced in October 2015.
At the same time, a Masters scholarship was awarded which mainly considered MMed students for their final 2 years of programme. On top of that, funding and mentorship support for a maximum of two years was part of the package.
However, students will be registered with Makerere University and receive their Degree from Makerere University. Makerere University PhD regulations will apply. In addition to fees and a stipend, funds are available through the Programme to cover fieldwork costs, consumables, travel etc. Money will be provided to travel to one international meeting in area of expertise provided an abstract has been submitted and accepted.
The Uganda Academy for Health Impact and Innovation is based at the Infectious Diseases Institute whose goal is to undertake clinical, research and training programmes, relevant to the health needs and problems of Uganda.