E-learning and ATIC
The Advanced Treatment Information Centre (A.T.I.C) is born from a partnership between Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) to provide free access to case reports, interactive case discussions, the latest treatment guidelines and recommendations. Because IDI is accredited by the Uganda Ministry of Health to provide continuous professional development for health workers, professionals who access the virtual learning portal can now earn Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points and receive e-certificates upon successful completion of IDI e-learning courses.
The distance learning team provides up-to-date resources on the management of HIV/AIDS, TB, and other infectious diseases. The resources include materials for case scenarios discussed during IDI’s weekly case conferences, interactive case discussions, IDI switch meeting modules, current clinical management guidelines and recent research updates. The IDI alumni database (personnel and contacts) is updated regularly and IDI alumni, as well as subscribed training website users, receive regular notifications about updates.
A.T.I.C aims at increasing health worker access to treatment advice and technical support through constant availability and accessibility of staff at the IDI call centre, A.T.I.C and the distance learning unit.
A.T.I.C is also aimed at enhancing IDI’s technical capacity to manage the distance learning program through strategic staff recruitment.
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E-learning environment
Infectious Diseases Institute administers the Virtual Learning Environment which aims to build the technical capacity of healthcare workers in Uganda and throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
Stay up-to-date with standard treatment recommendations and guidelines for management of health conditions, both locally and internationally.
Case studies
Get in-depth knowledge in the management of HIV, TB and other health conditions through our pdf-style and interactive case studies. These are real life case scenarios from the IDI Clinic.