Many of the people in Hoima district’s Kabwoya sub-county live in hard-to-reach areas. Their uptake of HIV/TB services is poor and the people affected lack information on these conditions.
To address these challenges, HOCADEO has carried out HIV counselling and testing (HCT) outreaches and linked those found HIV positive to ART care. They have disseminated Behavior Change Communication (BCC) messages through drama shows and aired radio jingles on HIV and TB. For monitoring of programs, VHTs have been trained on data collection. PHA groups have received training on nutrition and livelihood support.
Low cost innovations such as dish drying racks, bathing sheds and tippy-taps have positively impacted beneficiaries’ lives. Additionally, client-led refill have been helpful in mitigating the setbacks in adherence caused by the long distances to the health centre.