Zoe Kourtzi
Zoe Kourtzi is Professor of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Computational Neuroscience at the Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge. After completing her PhD on object recognition at Rutgers University, Zoe started her work on human brain imaging as a postdoctoral fellow at MIT and Harvard University. She then received a McDonnell-Pew award to combine animal and human brain imaging and moved to the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics as a Senior Research Scientist. She moved to the University of Birmingham as a Chair in Brain Imaging in 2005, and to the University of Cambridge in 2013. Zoe is a Fellow at Downing College, Cambridge and the Alan Turing Institute. Her work aims to understand the role of lifelong learning and experience in enabling humans of all ages to translate sensory experience into complex decisions and adaptive behaviours. To understand the link between individual learning ability and brain plasticity, she takes a cross-disciplinary approach that synthesises methods from behavioural science (cognitive testing), neuroscience (brain imaging) and computational modelling (machine learning). Her role in the Pictures Ageing project is to develop and implement tests that characterise cognitive ageing and capacity for learning across the lifespan.